The Propane Council of Texas, a non-profit dedicated to educating the public on cleaner-burning propane hopes to help green the landscape community. This past week, August 13-15, 2015 in Dallas, the Council attended the Nursery/Landscape Expo hosted by the Texas Nursery & Landscape Association in effort to tout the benefits of greener options for landscapers.

The EPA estimates that 17 million gallons of gasoline are spilled each year refueling lawn equipment. Propane eliminates this threat to the environment, because it doesn’t contaminate groundwater or soil. Plus, it has a closed refueling system.

Additionally, propane commercial mowers produce less carbon and fewer greenhouse-gas emissions.

“Landscapers do not have to worry about lost labor hours due to mowing restrictions on Ozone Action Days, because propane mowers have lower emissions than traditional gasoline mowers,” says Jackie Mason, Education & Marketing Director for the Propane Council of Texas.

Landscapers also now have a vast amount of mowers to choose from that can be powered with propane. There are more than 17 manufacturers and 135 propane commercial mower models available either straight from the factory or through conversion.

“Propane Council of Texas also makes it easier for landscapers to make the switch by offering the incentives,” says Mason.

The program, which began in 2010, currently gives up $1,000 per propane commercial mower, up to 5 mowers.

For more information, propane mowers and the Council’s incentive programs, visit http://www.fuelingtexas