Feb. 1, 2017

LSCFA  recently partnered with West Virginia Clean Cities to hold one of numerous National Fire Preparedness Association (NFPA) taught First Responder alt fuel classes across the United States, 55 persons from as far away as Abilene registered for the Train the Trainer class on alt fuel vehicles held in Temple, Tx.   Taught by James Plaster and Justin Emory with the National Fire Protection Association, the day long class safety training class presented information on how to identify alt fuel vehicle types, fuel qualities, cylinder specs and safety features, how to identify the different alt fuel  vehicles according to  manufacturer, as well as  general procedures and  considerations for alt fuel vehicles crash response and  extrication .  As Hybrids, electric vehicles ad plug in vehicles are a large component of our on road traffic, emphasis was given to  extractions and crashes involving Hybrids and electric vehicles, damaged high voltage batteries,  the various types of batteries  found in these vehicles and how to identify.

The information and  manual provided vehicle specific information drawn from manufacturer Emergency Response guides, and guidance on initial response procedures and situations such as vehicle fire, submersion and spills.

A natural gas overview was provided by Dmitri Tisnoi –  TDIndustires, our   lunch sponsor. Demonstration vehicles included a Nissan LEAF from nearby BATES Nissan, dedicated LPG ½ ton trucks from CleanFuel USA and the City of Temple,  a CNG refuse truck from the City of Temple, and a bi-fuel CNG truck  provided by CNG4America.

Stacy Neef, Exec. Dir.
Lone Star Clean Fuels Alliance